Monday, September 28, 2015

Australia 2015

Koalas are very cute animals that belong to Marsupials (koalas are not bears!!!), and are native to eastern and southeastern Australia. Koalas eat eucalyptus leaves and the leaves of gum trees. Koalas love sleeping ;) They sleep ~20-22h per day; this is associated with low-calorie food and the fact that eucalyptus contains toxins that koalas are neutralizing (they have very long caecum). Some other animals that sleep long are e.g. brown bat (~20 h/day), three-toed sloth (15 – 20h/d), North American opossum (~18h/d), and python (~18h/d). In stark contrast, giraffes sleep only ~2h per day!!! 


Golden Wallaby


St Andrew´s Cross Spider 

Wallabies fighting

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